About Chicaholic

This Blog is dedicated to the individuals who love the Shabby Chic and Chicaholic Lines. Shabby Chic is a vintage store in Second Life, specializing in Vintage Dresses, shoes, hats, home decor, textures and much much more. Chicaholic is a modern line with a focus on casual comfort.

Shabby Chic in the News

Shabby Chic is covered in an article in Glance Magazine for December of 2009 - be sure to check it out - the article starts on page 89.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Shabby Chic Santa Avatar II

Can you find the 250L Santa Outfit. One of the outfits in the sim is set to sell for 250L - if you find it - you can be Santa for only 250L tonight!

Santa's outfit got upgraded this year. Mrs. Claus had to hem it up a little after Santa tore his long coat in the chimney.

Having a shorter coat is safer for him, and allows him easier access to lower diameter chimneys.

Santa's avatar comes with custom knickers, jacket, hat, belt, boots, beard, hair, corn cob pipe, and shape.

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